Focused Research Topics

Acupuncture anesthesia Isoflurane  
Adverse effects  Ketamine 
Airway Management Knowledge Translation
Akinoski Approach Kyphoplasty 
Alternative therapies laryngoscopy
Ambulatory Anesthesia Local anesthesia
Aminoamide Long buccal nerve block
Aminoester Lumbar plexus block
Amnesia Malignant Hyperthermia
Analgesia Mandibular anaesthesia
Anesthesia crisis resource management Maxillary anaesthesia
Anesthesia dolorosa Mechanical ventilation
Anesthesia for cesarean section--effects on neonates Medical Education
Anesthesia for laser surgery Medical Ethics
anesthesia in severe sepsis Medicolegal Issues
Anesthesia Practice Methoxyfluran
Anesthesia side effects Microcirculation
Anesthesia and myasthenia gravis Monitoring(Cardiac & Non-cardiac)
Anesthesia for liposuction Morbidity and Mortality in anesthesia
Anesthesia paresthetica Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome
Anesthesia-paralysis Muscle Relaxants
Anesthesia-related mortality Narcotics
Anesthetic machine Neonatal anaesthesia
Anesthetic Techniques Nerve Injury
Anesthetic Toxicity Neuraxial block
Aromatherapy-treatment for nausea Neuro imaging
Arthroscopy Neuro modulation
Atelectasis Neuro toxicity
Bariartric anesthesia Neuroanesthesia
Basic and Laboratory Science Neuroleptanalgesia
Bayesian Analysis Neuromuscular-blocking drugs
Benzodiazepines  Neuroprotection
Biostatistics Nitric Oxide
Blood Management Nurse Anesthesia
Book/Multimedia Reviews and Meeting Reports Obstetric Anesthesia
Brachial plexus Anesthesia Operating room management 
Bran Stem Anesthesia Nonoperating Room Management
Burn Care Ophthalmic Anesthesia
Cancer  Opioids
Cardiopulmonary bypass Organ Transplantation
Cardiovascular & Thoracic Anesthesia Orthopaedic Anesthesia
Carotid endarterectomy Pain
Cauda equina syndrome (CES) Pain control
Caudal anesthesia Pain Management
Clinical Pharmacology Pain Measurement
Coagulation Pain Medicine
Cognition Pain Research
Coma Pain Therapy
Complications Paracervical block
Continuing Medical Education Patient Education
Continuous and Peripheral Techniques Patient Safety
Corneal anesthesia Pediatric Anesthesia
Critical care Peribulbar anaesthesia
Cyclopropane Periocular anesthesia
Dental Anesthesia Perioperative Care
Desflurane Perioperative outcomes
Dissemination and Implementation Science Pharmacology
Dissociative anesthesia Physiology
Drosophila Population Health
Drug Allergy & Drug Abuse Postdural Puncture Headache
Echo Rounds Postoperative Delirium
Education postoperative nausea and vomiting
Electrical nerve blocks Postoperative Visual loss
Emergency care Preclinical Pharmacology
Endodontic anesthesia  Preemptive analgesia
Enflurane Premature Anesthesia
Epidemiology Preoperative Evaluation
Epidural anesthesia Preoxygenation 
Equipment Pressure anesthesia
Esophagectomy Process improvement
Evidence-based medicine Prolonged anesthesia
Exosomes  Propofol
Ex-premature Psychometrics
Extubation Quality Improvement
Facial anesthesia Rapid Sequence Induction
Fetal risk of anesthesia and surgery during pregnancy Reanimation
Geriatric anesthesia Recent trends in anesthesia
Global Health and Care Delivery Regional Anesthesia
Governmental Regulations Resident Education
Graduate Medical Education Respiration and Sleep Medicine
Halogenated anesthetics Resuscitation
Health Education and Behavior Retrobulbar block
Healthcare Economics Sedatives
Healthcare Management Sevoflurane
Healthcare Policy Simulation-Based Education
Heart Simulators and Models
Hemostasis Sleep apnea 
History of Anesthesia Spinal anesthesia (subarachnoid block)
Homeostasis  Subconjunctival anaesthesia
Human factors Subtenon infiltration anaesthesia
Hyaluronic acid for knee surgery Sufentanil 
Hypertension Surgery
Hypnotics Surgery at end-of-life
Hypoxia-Ischemia Survey Design and Implementation
Impaired oxygenation  Sympathetic block
Inferior alveolar and lingual block Technology Computing and Simulation
Infiltration anesthesia Thiopental sodium
Inflammation Thromboembolism
Infusion pump Tissue oxygenation
Inhalational Anesthesia Topical anesthesia
Integrin  Transient Neurological Symptoms
Intraarticular anesthesia Transplant anesthesia
Intracameral anaesthesia Trauma anesthesia
Intraligamentary  anesthesia Truncal Blocks 
Intraosseous  anesthesia Tumescent anesthesia 
Intra-papillary  anesthesia Undergraduate Medical Education
Intrapulpal  anesthesia Urology anesthesia
Intrathecal block Vaporizers
Intubation Ventilators
Iontophoresis Ventricular assist devices
Ischemia-reperfusion injury Vestibuloplasty